For companies, one of the main benefits of being linked to a social network is the "cool factor." Beign on Facebook and Twitter allows companies to appear to be hip or trendy. This may seem trivial; however, this aspect can be very influential over twenty-somethings who are fresh out of college and looking for a place to work. Many companies are estatic to now have a tool they can use to appeal to recent college grads; it affords them the opportunity to draw new young talent.

Social networking offers smiliar benefits as Creative Commons when it comes to the independent artist or the entrepreneur. Social networking sites can be utilized to "leak" information about individuals who are trying to promote themselves or their business, and they can actually create a public interest in their product by presenting it as the next big thing on one of these sites. An example of this would be an author who creates a page on Facebook for his/her novel -- when people become fans of that page, then it has the potential to create a domino effect: their friends become fans, then their friends, etc., until the author has a New York Times best-seller! With the advent of sites like these, PR/advertising departments can be cut in half. That may not be good for the PR and advertising folks, but it is good for the organizations that are saving money while generating a much larger buzz than their human advertising specialists could.
I agree with you when you mention that when companies use social networking sites, they appear as if they are fitting in with trends. They are current and up to date.
ReplyDeleteI like how you mention the domino effect.It's like companies can hire a small team to manage their PR and advertising online and just have a small staff.
Interesting blog! I really learned things from reading this. What I found extremely interesting is that police use social networking sites to track down criminals. That is a good idea, because it is so easy to search for people nowadays, especially if they make thier profiles public. I wonder if that could/has violated any privacy laws though? I'm not quite sure what the laws are, but I could see that leading to quite a sticky situation.
ReplyDeleteLOVE the title of this post!!